Sage IT Point of View about the Composable Enterprise

Sage IT Point of View about the Composable Enterprise

Customer needs have changed and continue to evolve rapidly with the desire for personalized, always-on, and connected experiences. Enterprises must adapt and respond at a faster Organization Clock Speed to remain ahead of conventional competitors AND more nimble footed disruptive startups. They must recognize the fact that they cannot provide “full-service” to their customers alone, but they can… by cultivating and leveraging an ecosystem of complimentary business partnerships that can advance their goals faster. Leading analysts also believe that promoting digital business platforms, going all-in on the API Services Economy are the means to get there and the concept of the Composable Enterprise brings together all these interconnected dimensions.

Sage IT Point of View about the Composable Enterprise

Composability means architecting an organization made from interchangeable building blocks like Lego blocks. This modular set-up enables an organization to re-organize and re-orient based on needs arising from external (or internal) factors like a shift in customer values or sudden disruption in the supply chain.

The million, or rather, the billion $ question is – how do I get there? From the disharmony of disjointed applications and on-prem digital monoliths – which is my legacy environment… to the cloud-based concerto of mix and match digital entities that scale with safety through the composable enterprise model. Without breaking the bank?

We need to open up and interconnect our monolithic legacy environments both for internal enterprise-wide operational efficiency and Anytime-Anywhere warp speed actionability, and to provide seamless “first-time right” real-time experience to our customers. As we know, API based services and data and app integration platforms, with intelligent business automation all hosted and managed on the Cloud are the tools at our disposal.

At Sage IT, we have been effectively modernizing legacy environments and implementing digital platforms. Stay tuned and look up this space to learn how to simplify and become a Composable Enterprise.

Talk to our Experts today!

Contributed for Sage IT by

Suranjan Pramanik (President & Chief Business Officer)

[email protected]

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