
Ep. 1 of 3 | Transforming Field Service with AI | Unleashing the Power of AI in Field Service
Welcome to the latest series of Beyond Bytes – a podcast from Sage IT that dives into critical topics accelerating business clockspeeds. Our mission is to transcend the limitations of mere “bytes” of information, offering stories, insights, and actions that drive positive change.

In this new series, “Transforming Field Service with AI,” we kick off with an episode titled “Unleashing the Power of AI in Field Service.” Join Kannan Virdhagiri, VP of Solution Sales at Sage IT, and Leo Rubio, CEO of RubioWave Consulting, as they explore how AI is revolutionizing field service management. This episode delves into the transformative impact of AI, from predictive maintenance to enhanced resource allocation and improved customer experiences. We discuss the current landscape, share real-world examples, and look ahead to future advancements in the field. If you’re keen to understand how AI can optimize field service operations and drive efficiency, this episode is a must-listen!

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Chandramouli Natarajan
23 days ago

Great perspective on how AI can increase efficiency and effectiveness in Field service management. Very nascent field and holds a lot of potential. Nice podcast. Very informative. Thanks for the update Leo and Kannan

Bharath Kumar
22 days ago

Excellent very praticl soulution possibilities using AI

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