To continue from where I left off in the previous part, other important aspect of action to reverse Global Warming is 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Human beings generate lot of waste. Some of the items being discarded can be reused. One of the most common items that can be reused is paper.
Paper: Do not print unless absolutely required and if it is necessary to print, use both sides. One tonne of paper uses up to 17 trees and 30000 litres of water apart from large amounts of energy. When you cut down use of paper your carbon footprint also will come down. Avoid using disposable cups, plates etc., to ensure that your carbon foot print does not go up.
Plastic is another item use of which should be avoided as much as possible. When used, ensure that you use recyclable plastic and take care to ensure that the used plastic items are handed over to a responsible recycler. Use cloth bags where possible instead of plastic bags.
One person’s waste can be useful to another person. Check whether items that you propose to discard are useful to another person. E.g. clothes, hand bags, cell phones.
Many more such initiatives that are possible/can be conceived, if you look for such opportunities.
Talk to your friends, colleagues, influential persons and political representatives of your area about the need for urgent action.
If possible, form a group around your residence/workplace to take collective action and progressively expand it to more groups and form a bigger group involving influential persons/councilors to influence reduction of carbon footprint at all levels to save the earth from climate catastrophe.
We, at SAGE IT have taken some baby steps to reduce energy consumption in Chennai office. In Chennai we have already seen the results of these efforts and with cooperation from all of you, we can claim minute credit to reverse global warming. Drops of water make oceans. Small actions by several organizations/people, leads to big results.
You can send your ideas and plans to take action against global warming by contacting on the email id: [email protected]